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Snowray Terminology Service®
Are you tired of navigating between millions of codes while what you really need is a well-defined set of concepts for your domain? Do you want to access your content from a web browser and share them with your teammates or publish them? Do you want to utilize the semantics of healthcare codes to ease the maintenance and improve the quality of your sets? Do you need a standard API to integrate with your other systems? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, the Snowray Terminology Service is just what you are looking for. Try it now for free!
clause editing
  • Lightweight, easy to use workflow for teamwork
  • Semantic queries using standard languages
  • Built in terminology browser
  • FHIR API and REST API for integration
Snow Owl® Terminology Server
Our terminology server is used as the foundation for the Snow Owl Authoring Tool and the Snowray Terminology Service.
Clients can easily access and query SNOMED CT, LOINC®, ATC, ICD-10, and dozens of additional terminologies via standard FHIR, REST or Java APIs. Collaborative distributed authoring is also supported, including creating and maintaining your own local code systems, mapping between terminologies, and creating terminology subsets.
We love authors!
We love developers!
We love standards!
Snow Owl®Authoring Platform
Snow Owl is used around the world by governments, healthcare providers, private companies and academia and is ready to help you manage all of your healthcare terminologies within a single application. A configurable UI helps you focusing on what you need the most, while you can access an incredibly rich set of functionalities with a single click. Contact us to set up a demo, or see our extensive documentation or hours of video tutorials!
Some of our favorite features:
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IQVIA (NYSE:IQV) is a leading global provider of advanced analytics, technology solutions and contract research services to the life sciences industry dedicated to delivering actionable insights. Learn more at www.iqvia.com.

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Szent István körút 18., 1137 Budapest, Hungary
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